L'European Film Academy demana signatures per a l'alliberament del director ucraïnès Oleg Sentsov
El cineasta resta empresonat a l’espera de rebre judici.
L’European Film Academy fa una crida per signar per la llibertat del cineasta Oleg Sentsov, acusat de crims de natura terrorista, fet que ell nega rotundament. El judici, que haurà de dir si és culpable dels crims que se l'acusen, s’ha posposat al gener de 2015 i s’enfronta a una possible condemna de 20 anys de presó.
La carta que podeu veure a continuació és la crida de l’Acadèmia de Cinema Europeu. En ella es demana la col·laboració als ciutadans de tot el món perquè a través d’una signatura ajudin a fer pressió sobre el govern de Rússia per tal de solucionar la situació actual d’Oleg Sentsov.
Appeal to free Oleg Sentsov
Dear EFA Members,
As you might have heard, the trial of Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov has just been postponed for another three months to 11 January.
Oleg Sentsov, who was involved in supporting the Euro Maidan protests in Kiev and who has opposed the annexation of Crimea by Russia, was arrested by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) in his house in Simferopol on 10 May and brought to Moscow where he is still detained and awaiting trial (which was supposed to be on 11 October).
This means that he will have been imprisoned for EIGHT months without trial - we believe that we need give a new dimension to this mobilisation, to get him released, by uniting the voices of all filmmakers and those who work in cinema. We believe that we can, in this way, put a stronger pressure on the Russian authorities.
That is why the Société des réalisateurs de films (SRF) and the European Film Academy (EFA) invite you to join the first signatories of this appeal. You can do this by confirming your support by e-mail so that we would add your name to the list of signatories. And also by repeating the following statement in any interview or public appearance you may have. We want to make sure that, from now, there will not be a day, not even an hour, without these sentences being repeated and heard above the noise of the world:
"I belong to the international community of filmmakers, and in the light of this, I ask President Putin to free one of our own, the Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov.
His trial is scheduled to open on 11 January 2015 in Moscow.
Accused of “committing crimes of a terrorist nature”, which he denies totally, he faces up to 20 years of prison.
Together with all filmmakers who signed this text, I denounce solemnly this trial for imaginary crimes.
This aggression against Oleg Sentsov is an aggression against all filmmakers, all over the world."
First signatories: Guillaume Brac, Stéphane Brizé, Laurent Cantet, Malik Chibane, Catherine Corsini, Thierry De Peretti, Nicolas Engel, Frédéric Farrucci, Pascale Ferran, Denis Gheerbrant, Fabienne Godet, Yann Gonzalez, Esther Hoffenberg, Agnès Jaoui, Stéphanie Kalfon, Cédric Klapisch, Héléna Klotz, Sébastien Lifshitz, Anna Novion, Nicolas Philibert, Katell Quillévéré, Christophe Ruggia, Pierre Salvadori, Céline Sciamma, Rebecca Zlotowski …
Thank you so much & all the best from Berlin,
Your EFA Secretariat
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